Equalize Team Ratings

Written by Bernhard Strasser ([o.p.]kanalratte). Version 0.1. Feel free to use or reuse this html & javascript code.
Usage: 1) Define player per match and team, maximum rating metric, and maximum shown matches. 2) Add players to each team.
3) Choose a metric for finding fair teams. Match "average ratings": Minimize average rating difference of both teams; "individual rating": Minimize the difference between the best players of
both teams, the second best, etc. So a 2000 and 1000 Elo player will not likely be matched with two 1500 Elo players. "Both": Mean of both metrics.
4) Select players who need to play in the next match by left-clicking them.
5) Select players who must not play in the next match by right-clicking them. 6) Press "Start Calculation".

Team A

New Player:


Possible Matches:

Team B

New Player:


Possible Matches: